Archive for the ‘Linux’ Category

Open for suggestions

Posted: December 15, 2010 in FFMPEG, HandBrake, Linux, MakeMKV, Windows

Iam working on a few things right now , but would welcome suggestions for anything users may need – the next step is to get some linux bash scripts uploaded and then move on to Mac versions of the UI.

So, suggestions for anything Linux, Mac, makeMKV or even FFMPEG much welcome and it they make sense will be added to the to-do list.

Current open to do for Windows:

1. HB batch UI – add ability to embed SRT subs, add multiple query saves, provide more feedback in terms of mins and secs on the running encodes, add additional metadata.

2. A no brainer Iphone/Ipad batch encoder – for the noobs out there , a stripped down version of HB UI , just start and forget, no settings available.

3. better support for Video_TS in WatchFolder


Ripping all titles from dvd

Posted: October 12, 2010 in HandBrake, Linux, Windows

I have had a few requests to write a script to automatically encode all titles on a DVD from a drive and from pre ripped folders. This would automate ripping tv series or movies plus extras.

I would appreciate posting anything that anyone has on their wish list for this e.g. Videots? Iso support? Metadata? Mkv?

I do plan on this script being available by 16th oct