HandBrake batch GUI encoder

Posted: October 21, 2010 in HandBrake, Windows

I have just release a full user interface driven front end for HandBrake batch encoding. Its real  easy to use – select the options in the UI and hit Start and you are all set.

HandBrake Batchencoder UI

Key Features:

  • Supports batch encoding for entire source folders of content
  • Supports input files: mpg, wmv, avi, m2ts, mkv, m4v, mp4, flv, mov,.ts and ISO images!
  • Supports input folders Video_TS for direct batch encode of DVD rips
  • Use presets or roll your own query
  • Delete or leave source files
  • Add metadata to mp4/m4v files
  • Automatically grabs cover art from amazon
  • Choose file extensions
  • Remembers last used settings
  • progress bar of files encoded
  • Allows you to save a custom query for future use
  • Free and Simple to use!

New features added 21st Dec:

  • Now has encode all titles mode – this checks what titles are available and then encodes all titles on a DVD rip – major new feature.
  • Enhanced progress bar information – the progress bar now displays real time av FPS and time left to encode – 2nd major new feature.
  • Enhanced auto metdata for release year, directors and actors – iTunes/idevice ready.
  • Remember previously encoded files toggle – if the encoded file exists it can set skip reencoding

Grab it at the downloads page – available as a standalone small exe or a complete setup file with everything you need.

  1. amit says:

    I use this batch gui file but i cant see AVI output formate in handbreak
    Pls help me

  2. Max says:

    Why are the presest only limite to 5 of the 10 available? I would really like to encode to ipod. Also i cannot copy the query from handbrake as it does not suport copy / paste functions. Thanks for your work!!

  3. videoscripts says:


    I just coded for the most popular presets and added the edit box so you can add your own.

    At some stage soon I will add a way to import the hb queries fully.

    Hb does support copy and paste. Open the query editor. Select the text with drag. Press ctrl+c to copy the preset. Then paste it into the ui window with ctrl+v

  4. Max says:

    I swear on my momma i cannot copy that text. I control c … nothing right click the highlighted text … nothing. I am running win 7 and handbrake .9.5.

    Is there somwhere else like an online site that has it listed i could thief it from? im looking for ipod or ipod classic, or if you can copy paste maybe leave it in your relpy

    Thanks again!!

    • Max says:

      actually i think i got it i was confused because copy paste was not copying the entire field, just half at a time. Thanks

  5. videoscripts says:


    I have just uploaded a new version with only a few minor changes:

    1. Added link to the support post page

    2. Added ‘Ipod’ preset as an option, per your request

    3. Added the ability to create a custom query in the menu system: create a txt file and call it customquery.txt . in the first line paste your query. save it to the same folder as the exe. When you open the Ui again, it will detect that and add it to the menu option for available presets.

  6. TJ says:

    to check, can i just copy from handbrakes advanced tab (the cli info) and paste that into the query section of your tool?

    to keep the same settings i keep in handbrake i mean.

    should i overwrite what’s in this tools box with the text from handbrake, or add to it?

    e.g handbrake shows me this “b-adapt=2:rc-lookahead=50:ref=6:bframes=6:psy-rd=2.00,0.10”.


  7. videoscripts says:

    Yes, just copy from that tab. The easiest thing to do is make sure you do not pick and file ot destination – just open HB , clieck the preset and copy eveything from the editor window like you say.

    Open my UI and just paste the entire contents in the query window – overwriting anything thats already there. It’ll save that for next time you open it up.

  8. TJ says:

    ta for the reply 🙂

    i just tried it now and it worked – kinda. it didn’t do the audio from my AVIs, the output was video only.

    also, i can’t see where to choose what quality settings to choose? e.g i constant qual, RF: 23 etc.

  9. videoscripts says:

    how are you generating the query? just select a preset in the right window and press generate query. then cycle through the tabs on HB to make any changes, then hit the generate query again to update it. as an example, RF is under the ‘video’ tab on a slider.

    its much easier to generate a good clean query from Hb and test it on one file there and run with it in my ui.

  10. TJ says:

    i choose my options in the advanced tab of handbrake. changing settings under the video tab doesn’t change anything in the CLI info in the advanced tab, whether i choose target size, or const quality. only things in the advanced tab appear to show up in the ‘query’

    i’m also not sure what you’re referring to “generate query”. my handbrake doens’t have that – at least as far as i can see (i’ve checked a nightly and 094 build).

  11. videoscripts says:

    Ahhh, now I see where you are going wrong…. looking at the wrong window…. open 9.4 :

    Tools > Options > Advanced . Check ‘enable query editor’
    Restart HB

    Now you will see a new tab next to the advanced tab ‘Query editor’ . thats where the query is. Hit generate query to get updates to any changes you make.

    When you use it all the time, you forget that that tab is not enabled by default!

    BTW – why not use the presets? they are very good.

  12. TJ says:

    thanks 🙂

    will try in a tad (cant restart till this current encode is done)

    the presets are a catch all and i find different settings better for different sources. CGI sources are vastly cleaner than live action and can compress better so can go down to 23 or so vs 21 for live action (const quality). settings need to be different again for low res (dvds etc).

    thanks again for the help. will post back if any probs 🙂

  13. TJ says:

    thanks, got it working. one problem though, it encodes with ‘high’ priority by default? in handbrake i’ve got it set to below normal. ‘high’ freezes everything and takes about 2 mins to get to task manager to change it. and it changes back to ‘high’ for each encode in the batch?

  14. videoscripts says:

    Drop down box, right hand side let’s you set priority to what you want. This was added around a week ago, so make sure you have latest version.

  15. Peter says:

    Would it be difficult to add the option to save a query as a custom preset?

  16. videoscripts says:

    @ Peter – thats already there… just not as slick as I would like:

    Make your query. open notepad and paste it into the first line of the empty file. save it as customquery.txt in the directory the exe is in. Now open the UI and you’ll see it available from the drop down box and available to use. At some stage i will add a save facility in the UI … at some stage!

  17. Peter says:

    Ok, so since we’re on the subject of adding features; I’m currently using this to re-encode hundreds of music videos I have stored in /Music Videos//

    It would be awesome if there would be an option to include scanning sub folders in the source folder so i could just point it to /Music Videos/ and it would go through all the band sub folders.

    And if that’s possible, it would be doubly awesome if I could set a base output folder, say /Converted/, and you cold ad an option to retain the folder structure so when its converting a file in /Music Videos/Band X it would create a the Band X folder in /Converted/ and output those files there and so on.

    Maybe a possibility at some point?

  18. videoscripts says:

    @ peter

    It currently goes through all sub folders and will convert everything it finds. Thats been there from day 1.

    the second feature – could be done, not planning it though as a lot of work and would require purchase of more than a couple of coffees before I would start it….

  19. Nick C says:

    I had some trouble with the standalone exe. I have Handbrake installed, but the exe wasn’t able to locate the installation…the error said something about Handbrake not being installed to one of the usual places.

    I’m running XP SP3 and hb is installed to e: (my windows install drive) program files. Any thoughts? I was wondering if your code is using c: by default instead of an environmental variable for OS install or something, assuming that exists?

    I have planned on making a GUI for batch encoding for months, now. I created a PHP script that scans a specified directory, and creates a batch file to encode all files in that directory with the specified options; once at standard size for archiving and again at half-size for sharing. I wanted to convert it to Java since PHP isn’t installed on most people’s machines…but I think you beat me to the punch. If I can get over this installation problem, I think I’ll just defer to your program, happily…even if I was looking for an excuse to brush up on my Java skills.

    Oh, one other thought, the download included a batch gu.exe as well as one other file (atomic parsley.exe)…what’s up with the second file? Made me think a virus was bundled or something. May (with good reason) scare some folks off.

    Thanks for writing this and sharing!

    • videoscripts says:

      @ Nick C
      Thanks for the comments…

      1. Yes, its hard coded to find HB either in the working directory, or in the usual C:\program files path. In your case, simply take the two exes (batch gui.exe and atomic.exe) and copy them into the actual handbrake folder – it will run from there. I am going to add some dialogs today to help people sort that issue.

      2. Atomicparsely is the metadata editor , its used to add metadata at the end of the encode , its a sourceforge open source project and is credited on the about page with a link.

  20. Nick C says:

    That solution is easy enough. I should have explored that option myself. Thanks, again, for making this available for our use…and for the quick response!

  21. […] Enlace para descargar HandBrake Batch Encoder (Vía VideoScripts). […]

  22. […] etwas suchen bin ich heute im Videoscripts-Blog fündig geworden. Hier hat sich jemand die Mühe gemacht, eine hübsch grafische […]

  23. Elijah says:

    Thanks for developing this tool.
    I did have a problem. the first few times i tried to encode, it didn’t do anything. I got it to finally work after I moved my source and destinations to my c: drive. Maybe it dosn’t like working from a usb hard drive?

    • videoscripts says:


      It should work just fine from/to a USB or a network drive, as long as its showing up as a drive letter. When i use it , I have a source on a network drive and encode to a USB drive with no issues. If you can get me any more detail at all on it, I would be happy to look at it. it all helps make for a better application!

  24. Leo says:

    So how does this compare to HB Batch Encoder Mk 2 http://hbencodermark2.codeplex.com/

    • videoscripts says:

      I have never downloaded or used Mk2. Mine is under active development though…. at a glance the Ui posted here over HBMK2 : supports metadata, supports custom querys, supports all file types, video_ts folders, isos, rip all titles, far more user interaction while encoding, all titles support, delete source support, recursive folder support etc etc. try them both and see what you think!

  25. Gabbiee says:

    Hi Videoscripts,

    I just found out about this great program from the HB forums. I installed the latest version, setup my custom query, and each time I try to start the batch encode, it sees all the MKVs in that directory, but nothing ever gets encoded. The task bar/program reports all files are encoded and closes out (takes about 10 seconds). I tried files on local hard drives and files from my Windows Home Server, no luck at all. The task bar sees “0 of XX” and Avg FPS reports 0.

    I tried replacing the CLI you provided with the new .95 CLI and does the same thing.

    On a similar note, I also downloaded your Batch Meta Data program and it also sees any directory I point to but no processing ever occurs. For example, I point it to my Band of Brothers directory, and the batch processor says, encoding 1 of 0 files, then quickly sends. Each files is labeled, “Band of Brothers – s01e01 – title of episode” and they are all MP4 or M4V extensions.

    Despite not getting it to work yet, I do have one suggestion for either batch metadata process. I already have metadata for all my MKVs including cover art. Would it be possible for your scripts to use my “folder.png” files as the iTunes cover art? Or better yet. the text from the metadata? Each folder.png file is located in the respective movie/tv show directory. And each directory has their own meta data directory with episode summaries (used Metabrowser to gather all of the information).

    I currently use MetaX to import into my encoded MP4s into iTunes but that is one slow process as I have to individually click on a bunch of buttons over and over again for each file I want meta data for, including replacing the cover art.

    Thanks in advance for any help and I will send a donation your way for sure. Can’t wait to get this up and running.

    • videoscripts says:

      Thanks Gabbiee

      The progress information suggests that HB is not processing the files , so i need a couple things from you:

      1. What OS are you using?
      2. can you copy and paste into a post the entire contents of the bconfig.txt file in the program folder?
      3. can you process one of the mkvs in the nornal HB GUI with no issues?

      • Gabbiee says:

        So great news. I changed one setting (un-clicked convert all files on disc) on the Batch Encoder and now everything is working great. I have processed over 30 MKVs so far with no issues.

        However, I still can’t get the Batch Meta Data collector to work. I have added Atomic Parsley to my firewall exceptions list and nothing happens. It still reports, processing 1 of 0 files. As noted, all files are MP4s.

        Even if I set the batch encoder to collect meta data, when opening the processed MP4 file in iTunes, the only meta data displayed is season and episode number.

        Look for a donation soon. The batch encoder is making my life 10x easier. Here’s to us solving the meta data collection issue.

      • videoscripts says:

        @Gabbiee – please redownload the metadata batcher set up and run it again on the same files. I have fixed the mp4 skipping and also coded in your specific file naming convention – that should get you almost all the way there…let me know how it goes. Once you confirm thats OK, we can look at the other suggestions you had.

  26. Greg says:


    thanks for this program – very happy to have found it. your coffee is on the way 😉

    I ran this for a set of mkv episodes (all in one dir) and it kept on going after finished. the indicator said “encoded file 22 of 19”, and it had overwritten the first 4 completed M4V files with a 2kb file.. seems like stuck in an endless loop.

    I’m guessing it has to do with the fact I unchecked “check if encoded”? but if I left it checked, the “avi” files would just skip and not convert to M4V..?

    • videoscripts says:

      @Greg – is your source and destination path the same? Can you copy all contents of the file bconfig.txt in the program folder to a post? That way we can easily troubleshoot.

  27. Gabbiee says:

    Thanks, Videoscripts. I will try out the new meta data batch processor tonight and report on my results.

  28. Geoff says:

    Hi Videoscripts,

    Thanks for all the work on these scripts.

    I’m experiencing a similar problem to Gabbiee above. Have a folder of DVD rips (video_ts) and wanting to convert them to MKV. Using the built in High Profile preset. It creates the folder structure at the destination (whether or not I select that option in the batch encoder), but all folders are empty. Tried running it on a Windows 7 32 bit machine, and also on a Windows 2003 64bit server.

    I installed the full setup file of Handbrake Batch Encoder.

    Am using Handbrake 0.95, and it works find standalone.

    Below are two usage scenarios, along with status/error messages and bconfig files.



    Here’s the list of messages that show, in order:

    1) Batch Encoding Started

    2) BatchEncoder – A Total of 93 files were found to process

    3) BatchEncoder – Encoding now: Encoding 1 of 93 files, AvFPS: 0 Time Left: 0

    4) BatchEncoder – Current file skipped, already encoded.

    5) BatchEncoder – All Encodes are now complete.

    6) All 93 folders are created, but are empty. Handbrake appears to never run.

    N:\MOVIES\MOVIE DVD ISO (DB Done, To Be Transcoded)
    N:\MOVIES_2\Handbrake\MOVIES – NEW
    -f mp4 –detelecine –decomb –loose-anamorphic -e x264 -q 20 -a 1,1 -E faac,copy:ac3 -6 dpl2,auto -R Auto,Auto -B 160,auto -D 0.0,0.0 -m -x b-adapt=2:rc-lookahead=50 –verbose=1


    And with different settings:

    1) Batch Encoding Started

    2) BatchEncoder – Encoding now: Encoding 1 of 93 files, AvFPS: 0 Time Left: 0

    3) BatchGUI.exe – AttachConsole failed – error 87.

    4) Only one movie folder created, handbrake appears to never run.

    N:\MOVIES\MOVIE DVD ISO (DB Done, To Be Transcoded)
    N:\MOVIES_2\Handbrake\MOVIES – NEW
    -f mp4 –detelecine –decomb –loose-anamorphic -e x264 -q 20 -a 1,1 -E faac,copy:ac3 -6 dpl2,auto -R Auto,Auto -B 160,auto -D 0.0,0.0 -m -x b-adapt=2:rc-lookahead=50 –verbose=1

  29. Geoff says:

    Just tried 2.0.8. It’s giving me “Batch GUI.exe – AttachConsole failed – error 87” on Win7, and on Win2003 Server R2 64bit it’s just sitting at the “BatchEncoder – Encoding Now – Encoding 1 of 1 files – AvFPS: 0 Time left: 0”. So in both cases it looks like there is a problem calling handbrake.

    • videoscripts says:

      1 are you running as administrator?
      2. Are you using my setup file or just placing my exe in your handbrake folder?

      This is tested on all platforms u mention with no obvious issue so any further information welcome. This does look like handbrake failing to load.

      • Geoff says:

        Yes, running as domain admin on both the server and the win7 workstation. The first time I installed using your setup file. This morning for the 2.0.8 update I just copied the exe into the handbrake folder on both machines. Should I run the setup instead?

      • videoscripts says:

        Geoff . I am at a loss on this. tested last night on Win s 2003, Win 7 32 and 64, Vista and XP – cannot replicate your issue. my only thought – since the program runs HB as a hidden process , perhaps you have some security software blocking it from running? The error you see is definatley a case of Hb simply not running when it is asked to.

  30. Geoff says:

    I tried disabling my antivirus software, still no go. Also nuked most non-essential services/processes but didn’t help. If I keep trying to run Batch GUI, it will give me different failure modes randomly. On windows 7 it usually gives me the AttachConsole failed – error 87 message, but sometimes that message doesn’t show and it just sits there at the AvFPS 0 screen, and once in a while it will say encode complete (after a few seconds) but handbrake has never been called. On the server it gives me AttachConsole failed – error 31. I’ve also tried running BatchGUI from the default videoscripts folder, as well as from the handbrake folder. Latest HandbrakeCLI.exe is in both folders. Have also tried lots of different settings combinations in BatchGUI.

    Running out of ideas. Will try on a couple of other machines here just in case.

    • videoscripts says:

      geoff – This is now fixed. I caught the issue in testing and was able to recreate your problem and fix it. It was a conflict between Hb 0.9.5 and my code causing HB CLI to not start. It has now been fixed and released as version 2.0.9. Thanks for reporting this and providing some test results!

      • Geoff says:

        great, the new version is now working.

        one small thing, the “Encoding 1 of xx” files counter in the “BatchEncoder – Encoding Now” window is not incrementing as it works through the queue.

        Do you have a script that could mount a bluray ISO, submit that to handbrake for encoding, and work through a queue of ISOs like this? Unfortunately handbrake can only read a bluray iso rip if you mount it as a drive.

      • videoscripts says:

        Cool. Yes, this is a bug in video_ts folder conversions. will fix by end of week.

        re BD – my workaround is a little more complex – I script makemkv to make an mkv from the iso (only take s a few minutes) then convert with HB. But i will look at mounting the ISO – should not be difficult. Failing that could also extract the ISO and use Hb that way….will see what works best. Will test over the weekend.

  31. Geoff says:

    That would be awesome, thanks!

  32. thomasH says:

    How can i automatically add subtitles (same filename .srt)?

  33. BrentC says:


    I’m having some issues with Batch Encoder. I have a folder containing 17 .avi files that I’d like to convert to .mp4. Batch Encoder works for the first file in the series, but just stalls after that. The progress bar halts, AvFPS output sticks to whatever it was reading last, and the Time left reads all zero’s. I have to manually shutdown the program, which results in “AttachConsole failed – error 87.” I’m using HB 0.9.5, Win 7 Ultimate (64-bit), and the latest release of Batch Encoder.

    I’ve tried running Batch Encoder in Admin mode, as well as several Compatibility modes. Any suggestions as to where I’m going wrong?

    Thanks for the help. This looks like a great program!

    • BrentC says:

      Never mind my last post. It seems to be working fine now.
      My anti-virus software was updating while I was trying to encode. It’s automated, so I didn’t see it running in the background. After I re-started everything is running smoothly. Boy do I feel like a dunce.

      Thanks for the great program!

  34. Geoff says:

    Hi Videoscripts,

    Any luck getting the ISO mounting to work with batch encoder?

    • videoscripts says:

      Kind of…… I have used daemon tools to do the mounting automatically when we find an iso and then rip from there. It works but I have to spend a lot of time now trapping potential errors with the mount, plus simple logic to mount only in the case of BD. Net result – it will happen , likely 10 days or so. I am starting it proper after i release some updates today.

    • Geoff says:

      Hi Videoscripts,

      I haven’t checked out your site in a while, but was wondering if you ever had a chance to get the ISO mounting working with the batch encoder?

  35. acrylamidetic says:

    I really like this program, thank you very much!

    One problem I am running into ripping my Frasier discs. Frequently on television DVDs, they have the seperate episodes as individual titles, but then they also have a title with all episodes strung together. So while a normal episode is 22 minutes, all strung together they are ~2:12. When using this program to compress from .iso, it compresses the individual titles like I want, but it also compresses the 2:12 title as well even though it’s really nothing but the individual episodes strung together.

    Is there anyway to tell it “Don’t compress anything longer than x”?


    • videoscripts says:

      Not currently. Its difficult to work out the length and tie it to the title number HB sees before the encode. I am working on this though and would expect it to be released within the next month. Its an often requested feature, but is just a minefield to do!

  36. will von wizzlepig says:

    WOW! Awesome, many thanks so much for the tool! I love stuff like this- especially hand-crafted solutions for things I would love to do but can’t figure out on my own.

    I do have one question- the process seems to drop files, but I don’t notice any errors in the log files. That is, I watch as it is working, it says “12 or 50 files processed”, but in the output folder, there are only seven files. When it finishes, the log file has an entry for each file, but many of them are not there, and their timestamps are often quite close together, as if it is either burning through them because they are erroring out, or…?

    Is it skipping files it can’t handle, or was I supposed to move the handbrake.exe that came with the install over into my handbrake install folder? I didn’t see that in the help page.

    Thanks again!


    • videoscripts says:

      HB doesn;t give me back what the errors were, it just exits, so its hard to tell. my app will just skip the file and proceed to the next one. I am putting in an error log in the next release which will simply tell you any files that didn’t complete.

      Questions for you to help me help you…. : what are your source format files – what file format? are they direct rips from dvd? using what tool? do you rip with subtitles?

      • will von wizzlepig says:

        I am converting a ton of videos I have archived- none of them are DVD rips. Some are .avi, mpg, .mov, .wmv, etc.

        I just checked a few of the files that failed and, alas, it’s throwing “Error: No titles found. Your source may be copy protected, badly mastered… etc”

        Sorry for the hassle, I figured if the files played, they could be converted. Next time I will look a little further.

        Thanks again for the awesome tool and help with this.

  37. tony_mahony says:

    Could you tell me what I have to insert in the query box for an iPod Classic? Unfortunately there is no preset for iPods!?

    • videoscripts says:

      -f mp4 -I -w 320 -e x264 -b 700 -a 1 -E faac -6 dpl2 -R Auto -B 160 -D 0.0 -m -x level=30:bframes=0:cabac=0:ref=1:vbv-maxrate=768:vbv-bufsize=2000:analyse=all:me=umh:no-fast-pskip=1:subq=6:8x8dct=0:trellis=0 -v 1

  38. tony_mahony says:

    First of all: thanks for your fast help.
    iTunes tells me in both cases mp4 and m4v that it wont copy the files because the iPod can’t play it.

    If I use Handbrake 0.95 with iPod preset it works well!

    How can that be? 😦 I have to recode about 100 files…

    • videoscripts says:

      Using that preset is the exact same as using the hb ui. Nothing added or taken away.

      Copy and paste to this post the entire cotents of the file bconfig.txt in the program folder. That will give me enough info to see what is happening.

      • videoscripts says:

        This one is the legacy/ipod legacy preset. Since I have no clue which one you are actually using this is a last ditch idea…

        -f mp4 -I -w 640 -e x264 -b 1500 -a 1 -E faac -6 dpl2 -R Auto -B 160 -D 0.0 -m -x level=30:bframes=0:weightp=0:cabac=0:ref=1:vbv-maxrate=1500:vbv-bufsize=2000:analyse=all:me=umh:no-fast-pskip=1:psy-rd=0,0:subq=6:8x8dct=0:trellis=0 –verbose=1

    • videoscripts says:

      also, there seems to be a small bug in the HB UI in how it displays the query output. Try this to see if it makes a difference. Please do let me know as finding these HB bugs help other users:

      -f mp4 -I -X 320 -e x264 -b 700 -a 1 -E faac -6 dpl2 -R Auto -B 160 -D 0.0 -m -x level=30:bframes=0:weightp=0:cabac=0:ref=1:vbv-maxrate=768:vbv-bufsize=2000:analyse=all:me=umh:no-fast-pskip=1:subq=6:8x8dct=0:trellis=0 –verbose=1

      • jgkurz says:

        Thanks for a great add-on the the already excellent Handbrake software. I decided to run a test to batch convert six small avi files to mp4. Unfortunately only four files showed up in the output folder even though it said it was Encoding 6 of 6 files. I also got the “Completed” message. I tried several variations of settings and presets but no luck. I am positive that are indeed avi files. Any ideas why some of my avi files won’t encode? Thanks much!

      • videoscripts says:

        Have you tried converting one of the single problem files in handbrake itself? that will tell you if the file is valid enough to encode.

  39. tony_mahony says:

    I used the “Apple iPod” preset, I dont even know what the Legacy presets are for 🙂

    I have tried the query from your post at 9:04pm, its working fine with it finally!

    Maybe you implement it as an iPod Preset in one of your future releases

    • jgkurz says:

      Good idea. I’ll give that a try and report back if there is an issue. BTW, I just sent a modest donation that should buy you a few cups of coffee. Thanks!

  40. ojo says:

    I’d love to be able to use this, but I use a custom saved preset in Handbrake. Is there any way this batch program can use the custom presets from Handbrake?

    • videoscripts says:


      Yes you can. Open HB and select your save preset. Click generate query in the query editor tab. You’ll see your custom query in that window. Copy it all (no right click, CTRL C only)

      Open batch encoder , paste that all into the text box below the preset, click save as custom query and give it a name. thats it.

  41. MatinB says:

    Would really like to test/use your tool. BE v2.2.0 (Setup installed as Admin) & HB 0.9.5 on Win7 x64: “HandBrake CLI failed to run – Error 87.” Don’t know if its the same prob as written here on January 25, 2011.

    • videoscripts says:


      Sorry for the delay. Can you send me the contents of your settings.txt file please? Commonly this is due to a query closing handbrake immediately which notifies us that it is then not running. If you send the settings I can recreate what you have and get you an answer. Aain, sorry for slow reply, I somehow missed the approve request on this post.

  42. MatinB says:

    No prob for the delay – I myself was in vacation… – the PC (new Intel 4 Core) is not in my hands now, but maybe I’m able to admin it again and tryin to save and send settings.txt

  43. Patrick says:

    Loving that you have made this. Here is my only issues, I have my Folder structure setup such that I do not have the VIDEO_TS folder. Instead, I have just the VOB files under a folder named after the movie. Is there anyway to modify the program so that it just uses the folder name without having to have the VIDEO_TS. For example:

    Back To The Future


    Back To The Future
    Back To The Future.m4v

    • videoscripts says:

      Not currently. A lot of users not only rip videots folders but also want to rip standalone vob files. so, the way it works currently is that it simply checks for a videots folder. If it’s there , it encodes the vob files in it as a full DVD. If not, it treats them as standalone single vob files and encodes one by one. Your only option is to place the vobs in a videots folder at this time.

      • patrick says:

        Thanks. I ended up getting some help on a batch file that would create the Video_TS folders and move the files for me so I could use your program as is. The following code loops through a folder and the movie sub directories, creates the Video_TS folder and moved the files into it. Use at your own risk…I am not a programming whiz!

        @Echo Off
        Set _Source=Z:/DVD Test
        Set _NewFolder=VIDEO_TS
        PushD “%_Source%”
        For /F “Tokens=* Delims=” %%A In (‘Dir /AD /B’) Do (
        pushd “%%~A”
        mkdir “%_NewFolder%”
        Move *.* “%_NewFolder%”

      • videoscripts says:

        Great find. Thanks for that!

  44. Patrick says:

    One thing that would be nice is if it presented a list of movies it would convert and let you choose yes or no. My power went off in the middle of a batch (I didn’t delete originals and saved the new files to a new folder). So, if I want to start again it’s gotta redo all of them.

  45. Chris Hunter says:

    Could/would it be possible for an amount box to be added to BatchEncode to allow for setting how many you want to encode opposed to everything it finds?

    The reason I ask is I’d like to select a folder on my server and say encode all of these, but one at a time so my machine isn’t encoding 24/7/365 which I’d like to be able to check this folder encode only one, but of course make sure it hasn’t already been done. Proceed then exit out and wait to run again later.

    My thoughts are I do a lot of ripping Blurays and DVD’s and it would be handy to go back through the hundreds of movies I have digitally and tell my machine to perform a batch encode 1 or 2 a night and then exit out of the app. Next day launch via command line and do a couple more. Wash and repeat each day until I’m done.

  46. Chris Hunter says:

    Much thanks for at least considering it since its designed to be a batch encoder. As I mentioned up above if I said go it would work its way through 800+ flicks and wow that would take forever in one swoop. LOL.

    If you had it setup the way I would like it I would set it up to run while I’m at work maybe 2 or 3 at a time and I would never even notice other than my drive would seem a bit more full. =)

    Not that I’m bribing you with some coffee to do it, because I planned on sending you some coffee money anyways..

    Currently I use the autorun parameter so if that could be maintained or maybe you add the additional usage in there as well? autorun 2 or something like that? Of course its up to you how you implement, but I’d gladly do whatever.

  47. Patrick says:

    Not sure about any of you, but I am getting stuttering issues in about 50% of the movies I run through this process. Granted, I haven’t used Handbrake in the past so I don’t know if this is a result of Handbrake or the batch process. But, it is disturbing nonetheless. Any tips?

  48. Chris Hunter says:

    Just wanted to check in to see if you made any progress with allowing users to assign how many encodes at a time when the batch encode was launched.

  49. Mark says:

    I haver an interesting problem. I am currently running BatchEncoder on 22 files. I have all 22 files encoded but BatchEncoder is still running. Currently, the Encoding now windows says it’s encoding 37 of 22 files. Can I just stop the process or willl it mess up the 22 files it’s already encode? I am using the NORMAL preset and I’m encoding regular DVD ISO rips. Thanks

    • videoscripts says:

      I am guessing you have convert all titles checked to on?

      That will cause this with isos. You have told it to rip all titles on each image (extras etc as well as main movie). On the initial scan, the program can’t count how many files it will eventually have to encode – hence why it screws up the counter. Encoding etc is not affected, just a little bit annoying that the counter doesn’t reflect the actual numbers.

      Uncheck that box if all you want to encode is the main movie from each iso.

  50. Patrick says:

    I have a bunch of MTS home movies. Is there a way to preserve the Date Created, Date Taken data? Otherwise, I don’t know when they were taken.

  51. felis says:

    It’d be nice if you got a Mac version. HB don’t even have a query generator on mac UI version.

  52. I’m having the same Error 87 as earlier in the thread. BatchEncoder starts, but sits and does nothing, and when I pause the encode, it shows the error.

    Using Win7, HB .95 and BE GUI that I ran the full setup. Have no problems with Handbrake standalone whatsoever. Would like to encode my full DVD Rips to a more portable friendly file and store on my server.

    copies this query from the query editor:

    -o “” -f mp4 –strict-anamorphic -e x264 -b 500 -a 1 -E faac -6 stereo -R 48 -B 160 -D 0.0 -m -x ref=2:bframes=2:subq=6:mixed-refs=0:weightb=0:8x8dct=0:trellis=0 –verbose=1

    Heres the bconfig:

    \\COKROSERVE\Z whspool\MOVIES Portable
    -o “” -f mp4 –strict-anamorphic -e x264 -b 500 -a 1 -E faac -6 stereo -R 48 -B 160 -D 0.0 -m -x ref=2:bframes=2:subq=6:mixed-refs=0:weightb=0:8x8dct=0:trellis=0 –verbose=1 -O -O -O -O

    \\COKROSERVE\Z whspool\MOVIES Portable



  53. Odd, but managed to figure out the prob by comparing custom profiles. Wherever the -0 “” was coming from, it was the problem. as soon as I deleted it from the query, the encode started.

    changed to this and off we went….

    -f mp4 –strict-anamorphic -e x264 -b 500 -a 1 -E faac -6 stereo -R 48 -B 160 -D 0.0 -m -x ref=2:bframes=2:subq=6:mixed-refs=0:weightb=0:8x8dct=0:trellis=0 –verbose=1

  54. Great program. But just a few weird quirks that I cant seem to figure out. When batch encoding from a folder with 37 ISO files and 120 movies in Title/Video_TS structure, I ran into two issues.

    First, when I ran the queue, it processed only the ISO titles. It repeated through the queue, encoding each movie 2-3 times over the past 24 hours. I coudn’t tell what was going on b/c the status window stayed constant saying “encoding 2 of 157”, but I could see files being added to the destination folder. I finally just ended the process and all is well with those 37 encodes. Could it be as simple as not having “check if already encoded?” checked? would that cause an endless loop?

    When queuing the movies in Video_TS format using the drag and drop, the encodes begin fine, but dump just VTS_01_1.mp4, VTS_01_2, VTS_01_3.mp4 files into the destination folder rather than creating a “Title” folder or just one .m4v file for the full movie.

    They are all just the main movie, no extras, no episodes like a TV series, so I didn’t select “convert all titles on disc” but don’t think thats the issue. Each individual VTS file plays fine, however. Just want them merged as one mp4 file.

    Otherwise this program is heaven for those of use with large libraries and want to encode for tablets and phones.

    • videoscripts says:

      Just starting to look at this now. New batche coming on Monday, so if I can replicate this I will fix. If you have any more details that can help me replicate, please do send

  55. Hello and thx for all your work.

    Is there any chance you could allow us to select the length of the chapters we want to encode. As an example, a DVD with 6 episodes of a TV series also has many small chapters and very often one large chapter that includes all episodes. I would like to ask for encoding of all chapters between 20 and 45 minutes (some times we can have double episodes) or something like that. I I encode everything, it is very time consuming and then I throw away half of it.

    Thx, Michel

  56. happy to. what specifically can I provide? I havent checked back here in a while either. not sure if I still have the logs.

  57. handbrakeuser says:

    I have a large collection of camcorder-recorded home videos. Is it possible to auto-generate thumbnails of the videos using this batch encoder (e.g. by just using the first frame of the video)?

    • videoscripts says:

      Hi, no sorry, this is not possible.

    • Bishop234 says:

      if you are using a graphical file manager, wouldn’t there be a setting for ‘icon view’ and a small, medium or large setting for that icon view. perhaps you could batch encode the videos, arrange them by date, then let your o/s do the thumbnails? I did a quick search for a video thumbnaling program but the one I found(Video Thumbnails Maker by Scorp) did not want to run on my i5/Win7 machine with 8gb ram…

  58. Bishop234 says:

    I hate feeling like a total noob…but how can I alter the script to limit a size on the batch encoder? I know it can be done one at a time, but I would love to be able to use the ever-so-handy drag and drop window and still tell it to limit the size of the .mp4’s to 450mb.

    • videoscripts says:

      Hi you can do this by generating a query in handbrake and copying and pasting into batch. If you need help – tell me what standard query or preset you like to use in batch, and I will generate you a custom query and email it back to you.

      • Bishop234 says:

        Groovy!! I would like to preset the file size to 450mb. It seems like it should be a no brainer…but I am not seeing the logic. At all. This calls for a Venti…

      • videoscripts says:

        Ok no problem. But I need to know what base preset you want to use – tell me that and will get you sorted.

  59. Bishop234 says:

    i have no idea what a base preset is…so i wll hazard a guess. My desired outcome is an .mp4 file at or around 450mb…if it could delete the original file, that would be cool, even desired. I don’t set metadata on each file, at least not the files I am targeting right now, but i see that it is a check box, so I would leave it as a “yes”.
    If it was a tricky script, it could ignore .mp4 files smaller than 450mb – the idea being that i am trying to encode bigger files to my desired file size.
    Also, just in case you can answer this, what is the deal with Handbrake not being able to convert .mpg files? Does it need a codec or something?
    Thanks for your input!

  60. Bishop234 says:

    dude! worked like a charm!
    Venti Mango & Passion Fruit Frappacino – £3.10…bought ya two…

    Good work! Thanks!!

  61. hozedhead says:

    I don’t see a check box for large file size. Is that a default?

  62. Simon says:

    Great GUI! Thanks a lot.

    I encountered errors 87 with the newer 0.9.6 version of handbrake. My queries would not work anymore.

    I fixed it by replacing the HandBrakeCLI.exe file with the one from handbrake folderand it finally worked!

    For those who got the same problem… cheers and thanks!

  63. Simon says:


    Would it be hard to add an option to put encoded file into source folder.

    When it goes recursively into folders, it puts then encoded file into the destination folder…

    here’s my situation:

    I went on vacation. everyday I’d create a folder like “day 1”. I’d put all my MTS files in there (they are auto numbered 000, 001,002 etc. Once the files copied, I’d format my memory card and start shooting again the next day. i’d put those file into “day 2” folder with thos videos files starting with 000, 001, 002 again! and so forth.

    Now, i try to batch encode them and they all go in the destination folder as one big list of files. They are also overwritten because of their same filenames.

    I’m asking for this simple solution: add a toggle that says “save encoded files to corresponding source folder”.

    I can’t be the only one asking for this feature…

    Coffee coming up later when this is done!

  64. Simon says:

    That’s what it does! Now that’s awesome!

    Thanks for taking the time to do what you do.

    Coffee coming right up!

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