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Windows with User Interfaces

Handbrake Batch Encoder

The all singing all dancing batch Encoder user interface front end for handbrake, most fileformats, metadata and loads of advanced features

Check out all of the features here

Read how to use it here

Download Setup file here


Set up a simple watch folder with many features – runs in your tray and encodes as you add new files.

Read more and download at this page

Autorip – watch your DVD drive then automatically rip, encode and tag

Run it, it sits in your system tray and watches your DVD drive.
Once a DVD or Blu Ray has been inserted , it rips it , ejects disc then encodes it to your Handbrake preset, then gets cover art from amazon and adds itunes ready metadata.
CD’s are ignored and not ripped.


iOS Batch Encoder

Suitable for all file types, spitting the output to Apple riendly standards such as AppleTv, iPhone and iPad . Very simple to use.

Download here

Other Apps – Metadata

Itunes Metadata Batcher

Now released a metadata batch utility.

Point the GUi at a folder full of mp4 or m4v video files, the program will work out from the naming the metadata , type of file, and retrieve cover art, year , direct or etc adding it to iTunes ready metadata in the file.

Download here

Simple Windows Wizards

Dead Simple Batch Encoder Wizard

This is a windows exe utility to batch encode all avi and mkv files in a folder you specify to the preset of your choice.

No configuration needed – just run it and follow the prompts to encode an entire folder. Note: this leaves all of the source files in place and does not delete them.

Needs: HandBrake

Download: Link

Scripts with no User Interface for scheduled and one off tasks

Encode all Episodes of TV series from ripped folder

This is a windows executable script to fully automate the process of encoding All titles from a disc.

It’s for anyone who wants to encode all titles on a DVD rip. Useful for anyone who has DVD’s ripped into Video_TS folder structure. For those of you who want to automatically encode all titles on say a TV series DVD rip, or all items on a Movie DVD (e.g. main movie, plus extras etc)

This uses makemkv to split the rip into titles as a temporary measure. The uses HandBrake to encode each title.

You end up with a folder of encoded content for each disc called: moviename_title01.m4v , moviename_title02.m4v etc.

You must have the following set up:

  1. This script saved anywhere with its config.txt
  2. handbrake installed
  3. makemkv installed.
  4. pre ripped DVD’s in the following structure:  \SomeMainfolder\MovieName\VIDEO_TS
  5. My config.txt configured for your query and file extension

In use: Run it, sit back and wait. It knows what titles it has already encoded so you can run this many times on the same directory to get all completed.

Supports: any query you can generate from Handbrake , mkv, mp4, m4v extensions configurable.

Download it

Important: How to configure the config.txt file

It’s a simple text file, open in notepad

In the first line type your root source directory

In the second line, type your root directory for the final encoded files.

In the third line, paste your handbrake query (without the –o –i switches!)

In the fourth line type your three letter file extension: mkv, mp4 , m4v (no period !)

Lazymans Handbrake encoder – right click menu

Platform: Windows

Needs: Handbrake

For: This is a windows installer – and will add a right click menu option ‘Encode Now’ . Simply right click the source file, click encode now and handbrake will go off and encode it.

Use: Download the installer, run it. Edit the config.txt file to add your target folder to save all encodes and your query . In use then, just right click and you are done.

Important – this has only been tested on XP/Vista/Win 7 32bit. I doubt if it will work properly on a 64 bit system but would welcome feedback.

Download: Link

Very Simple  iPhone batch encoder

Platform: Windows

Needs: Handbrake

Does: easy to use script – simply encodes all avi files in the given directory to the default handbrake iPhone profile. Simple to use and no configuration needed!

Use: Download and run – it will prompt you for the location of your avi files, and for your target directory and off it goes, no configuration needed.

Download: Link

**New – same as above script but with added support for MKV files. Download: Link

Watch Folder encoder

Platform: Windows

Requires: HandBrake

Does: assign it a folder to watch and a destination folder – this program will run in the system tray and watch that folder for new files . When a new file added it will autoencode it with the preset you have assigned and place it in the target folder

How to use: download the zip and unzip . open config.txt in notepad . In the first line type the path for the source files you want to watch e.g C:\My Videos  . in the second line type the target directory e,g.C:\My Encoded Files . In the third line copy and paste your handbrake query without the -i -o switches. save that. Add the exe to your startup program folder and you are all set.

Download: Link

MKV autoencode

Platform: Windows

Requires: Handbrake, Atomic

Does: Will encode an MKV file in a folder, using your predefined preset, then add metadata and when done delete the MKV source file. be careful!

Useful for: I use it for my daily rips from Bluray – i rip to a  folder using MakerMKV just the main movie. Then rename it to the movietitle.mkv. I schedule this script to check that directory at 11PM then encode it to apple universal, add metadata automatically and load it to itunes.

In use: download the zip and unzip . open config.txt in notepad . In the first line type the path for the source files e.g C:\My Videos  . in the second line type the target directory e,g.C:\My Encoded Files . In the third line copy and paste your handbrake query without the -i -o switches. save that and then double click to run.

Notes: if you want cover art added, save the image as cover.jpg in the folder the mkv resides in

Download: Link

Scheduled AVI encoder with metadata

Platform: Windows

Requires: Handbrake, Atomic

Does: Goes through a source folder you specifiy. Encodes all avis added within last 7 days to your desired preset and adds metadata including cover artwork and itunes category

Needs: if you want metadata, you need to store the avis in the structure:  \some\folder\path\seriesname\actualfile.avi  where series name is of course the name of the series! save a single cover.jpg in that folder to have it write out cover art

Useful for: I use it for my TV downloads schedule it to run every saturday night and it encodes my downloaded avi episodes to m4v , adds cover art and adds to itunes. My most used script.

In use: download the zip and unzip . open config.txt in notepad . In the first line type the path for the source files e.g C:\My Videos  . in the second line type the target directory e,g.C:\My Encoded Files . In the third line copy and paste your handbrake query without the -i -o switches. save that and then double click to run.

Download: Link

M2TS Batch Encoder

Platform: Windows

Needs: HandBrake

Use: This is a wizard driven script. Run it , it will prompt you for source, destination and preset , file extension.

For: encoding a directory full of m2ts files you grabbed from your AVCHD device to H.264

Download: Link

DVD rips encoder – Video_TS and ISO

Platform: Windows

Needs: HandBrake

For: Batch encoding a folder full of either ISOs or Video_TS rips of Movie DVD’s. The program loops through all of them, encodes each one and reports progress

Use: Wizard driven – run it and choose source, destination, query preset, file extension and you are done.

Download: Link

Drag and Drop All in folder

Platform: Windows

Needs: HandBrake, Atomic

For: Really simple batch encoding – drag and drop a folder to the exe, all avis encoded to your choice of HB query.

Setup: open config.txt in notepad . In the first line leave it blank  . in the second line type the target directory e,g.C:\My Encoded Files . In the third line copy and paste your handbrake query without the -i -o switches.

To Use: drag and drop a folder onto the exe and its done…

Download: Link

Encode all in folder

Platform: Windows

Needs: handbrake

For: Quick and dirty encode of an entire folder. I use this as a way to copy avi files to a central folder and encode each one. to your predefined preset.NOTE: This DELETES the source file. BE CAREFUL!!!

Inuse: open config.txt in notepad . In the first line type the source folder  . in the second line type the target directory e,g.C:\My Encoded Files . In the third line copy and paste your handbrake query without the -i -o switches. save it

To use: double click!

Download: Link

Script Helper Apps

Configuration file maker

For those of you who download the scripts below and don;t want to/know how to make the config files needed – download this, choose your options and the config file is generated.

In use: Download and run, choose your options and Hit the save config  button – your config.txt file will be saved into the same directory. Just copy it to the directory your script is in.

Download: Link

Linux bash Scripts

You will need to edit the top section of these scripts with your own needs – all are commented with some details on what you need to do. The single zip file download contains all active scripts. Note if you want to utilise the metadata features you will need to download Atomic parsley seperatley – check out the links section.

Time lapse encode – encodes everything added to a specific folder in the last number of days (that number id definable) . Optional metadata

Encode all – simply loops through a folder and encodes all files to the HB preset choosen . Optional metadata.

Multiple machine encode – allows you to run the script on multiple Linux machines with one target folder , so many machines can process the files much faster. Optional metadata

Download zip

I am more than open to suggestions for Linux scripts – if you have needs or requests, post here and i will be happy to put them together.

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  2. Kyle says:

    I requigise this program structure anywhere… its autohotkey…right?

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  5. Richard says:

    Nice application, well done. Any chance you could please add two more pieces of functionality?

    1. Ability to upload the converted video file to iTunes afterwards. You can either do this by connecting directly to iTunes (javascript sample at which should get you started) or you could just drop them into the folder that iTunes monitors.

    2. Ability to delete the converted video file after you’ve successfully uploaded them to iTunes. This is because if you have the option set in iTunes to copy the files elsewhere on your computer then you don’t need the original file any more after uploading.


    • videoscripts says:

      @Richard – thanks.

      Not sure I totally have understood your request. So, let me check:

      1. You are using the HB GUI , and adding metadata
      2. You want it to auto create the encode file and auto tag it in some local location , e.g. C:\my encodes
      3. When its all tagged and done , move it to the itunes folder you assign (i.e. don;t leave it where it was encoded to)

      if this is your suggestion, i see it as a good feature and one I would implement, though likely given time constraints I would just allow you to set up a move to path which would be the itunes automatically add to library folder (vs coding to connect to itunes )

      Give me some feedback on this so i know I have understood it – that way i can plan it in.

  6. Jorge says:

    Thanks for this. Any plans on making these mac compatible?

  7. […] HandBrake Batch Encoder [Videoscripts via Addictivetips] […]

  8. […] Batch Encoder is a free download for Windows systems only. HandBrake Batch Encoder [Videoscripts via […]

  9. […] HandBrake Batch Encoder [Videoscripts via Addictivetips] Tagged:androidautomationconversiondigital videoswindows […]

  10. Jacob says:

    where do you put config files for the GUI encoder and can that encode directories of VIDEO_TS folders? I would like to get some presets for the IPad…

    • videoscripts says:


      Its all set and ready for Video_TS encoding – just point it at the root folder where your videots folders are NOt the actual videots folder itself. For best results, have them stored in C:\Someplace\Moviename\Video_TS. it will loop through all movies and encode them all to your preset.
      Personally, i just select ‘universal’ from the drop down list for my ipad – works well on ipad, appletv and iphone.
      If you want the specific ipad, until i add it (around a week from now) : set up your usual settings , now delete anything thats in the encode text box and replace it with:
      -f mp4 -4 -w 1024 –loose-anamorphic -e x264 -q 20 -r 29.97 –pfr -a 1 -E faac -6 dpl2 -R Auto -B 160 -D 0.0 -m -v 1
      press save as custom query. Anytime you want to use it, just select custom query for the drop down.
      Let me know if this helps.

  11. Matej says:

    I wanted to use your program to convert a number of .avi files from my digital camera to smaller sized .mp4

    If I use the stndalone handbrake program the conversion goes OK – however when the same file is converted with the batch encoder the end result is a file with just a few seconds of _just_ audio or a crashed *CLI.exe !

    Is there a way for me to narrow down the list of possible causes for this problem?


    • videoscripts says:

      Can you post the query you are using by copying it from the text box? Also tell me all settings and paths. In the program folder there is a small text file – just copy all of the contents of that to this post.

  12. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Will Smith and Chris Gohlinghorst, breakdance jedi. breakdance jedi said: Downloads – Windows and Linux Video batch encoding scripts – Videoscripts […]

  13. Dmp says:

    Thanks for effort. This will dramatically reduce conversion time of 5tb of DVD iso’s.
    But getting error Handbrake not in expected location. Using “DVD rips encoder – Video_TS and ISO”

    I first installed the “HandBrake Batch Encoder Full to C:\Program Files\HandBrake
    I then placed the ISOandVideoTSwithuserprompt_noMetadata.exe in C:\Program Files\HandBrake. I ran Batch GUI.exe with no problem. Saved the custom query.
    I then ran ISOandVideoTSwithuserprompt_noMetadata.exe and get “Oops Handbrake Encoder not found in any of the expected locations.” Any help would be appreciated.

    • videoscripts says:

      Hi – just checked the code and there is a bug in that exebwhereit checks for handbrake…sorry. I will get this fixed today and re upload..

      But it may be worth waiting until Monday as I am adding iso support to the more intuitive gui which will manage the whole process a lot better.

  14. videoscripts says:

    @DMP – I have fixed the bug and uploaded the latest version, same link…….but…. I also added ISO support this morning into the batch encoder UI along with a couple small tidy up changes – just redownload it and run it and it should chomp through those ISO’s…

  15. […] till ett format som gör dem mycket mindre och dessutom kompatibla med iPaden: HandBrake och HandBrake Batch Encoder. Man pekar helt enkelt på en mapp med filmer och väljer att konvertera för iPhone och trycker en […]

  16. […] HandBrake Batch Encoder es una de las mejores aplicaciones para gestionar todo tipo de material audiovisual editando, transformando y convirtiendo entre diferentes formatos cualquier tipo de video contando con una amplia gama de formatos soportados para efectuar los procesos respectivos. […]

  17. chrisem0 says:

    Awesome, awesome app. thanks for taking the time to put this together… it’s brilliant.
    Question: Is there any way to have the Batch Encoder convert only the main title and not all the contents? I am using the HandBrake Batch Encoder (full packaged msi) and i assumed if I unchecked “Convert All Ttles on Disc” it would only seek the Main Movie… however when i uncheck it, it creates all the subfolders then says 0 of NN files encoded.
    Im sure Im being dense but – dont know where else to go. My file structure is: c:\users\xx\DVD Movies\\VIDEO_TS…

    I have the GUI looking at the source as: c:\users\xx\DVD Movies\….

    Destination is: c:\users\xx\Convert\

    Now my source and destination folder names have spaces… perhaps the GUI doesnt support spaces?

    • chrisem0 says:

      To this point – I am trying to convert my James Bond films… and in each DVD Directory they have the “Making of” and “interviews” and I have no interest in ripping these – that is why i ask my previous question.

    • videoscripts says:

      Chris – thanks for the comments. I just retested this in the same way you have it set up – can see no issues. 3 things to get you sorted:

      1. Confirm your full paths to video_ts is like: c:\users\xx\DVD Movies\Goldeneye\VIDEO_TS…
      2. copy and paste into a post the full contents of the bconfig.txt file in the program folder. (replace any personal data with x’s.)
      3. which version have you downloaded ? (help > about) – and are you running it as is or have you changed the handbrake exe to a nightly?

  18. Damian says:

    Awesome software. I’m looking for something like this for years (since I discovered Handbrake). It’s the missing piece for the perfect encoder, the piece the handbrake developers don’t want to write (and no one else understands why)
    Two features that will make it even more awesome:
    1) Mac support (had to turn on my old pc to run it, very depressing)
    2) Subs (maybe SRTs with the same name of the file) support. I don’t even know if it’s possible in handbrake. I’m talking about srt files that have the same name of the avi/mpg/wmv file and can be embedded (forced or not) to the m4v file. They can be turned on or of in Itunes, QT or Iphone. HBGUI does it but you have to point at the srt file manually after you added the source.

  19. Michael says:

    good job man. really awesome little gadget.

    some further suggestions:
    1. ability to add subtitles(in a separate folder) to individual movies, shown in a top-down list in the pre-encoding window.
    2. the all-too-crucial ‘pause’ button on the encoding window
    3. the all-too-crucial ‘skip’ button on the encoding window( should be easier than no. 2 😉 )
    4. a top-down encoding queue on the encoding window
    5. a ‘cancel’ button on the side of every item on said list

  20. Paulo says:

    Awesome applicazione. Great!
    I’ve to rip a lot of ISO.
    I would like to preserve 2 languages and all the subtitle.
    It is possible to scan ISO info for build a custom optimized command to rip each DVD ?

    • videoscripts says:

      @ Paulo – which application are you using?

      None of them currently have the options you are looking for – that would be a custom requirement which would take some time and testing to do. But it is possible.

  21. Mike says:

    Is there a way Batch Encoder can be setup to only Encode AVI’s and not all video’s in a folder?

  22. Mike says:

    Is there any way to MetaTag MKV files?

    • videoscripts says:

      Not in my apps. There is no real easy way. You have to manually create XML files and then use mkvmerge to add them. It’s not well supported. Plus has little support from players.

  23. LAlleyne says:

    Would it be possible to make a script to join mp4 files while creating a chapter track that creates chapters that are the length of the included files, with each chapter being the name of the MP4 file?

  24. MileHigh says:

    For some reason this doesn’t seem to be getting the metadata after encoding? I am not clear if I am supposed to put atomic parsley somewhere or not? I am under the impression that everything was included in the batch encoder zip? Am I doing something wrong?

    • videoscripts says:

      Its easier to run the setup file which will ensure everything is where it should be.

      However, you could just extract batch exe and atomic exe from the zip file and drop them in the HB folder if you already have HB installed.

      Note that metadata is based on naming conventions. A movie needs to be for example: Avatar.avi (i.e. title, nothing else) . A tv show like Fringe.S01E02.HDTV.LOL.avi (it can have anything in the name, as long as there is the show name first, followed by season then episode – any of the torrent release names are fine and tested.

      Send me an example name of a file you tried and i will try it here to confirm its working as it should

      • MileHigh says:

        Well that would explain my issue….. I ripped a TV show disc and it is in a folder that indicates the name – Arrested Development – season 1 – disc 1 – then all the files are in a video TS folder and they don’t really have a name for each episode – the names are VTS….. – I don’t want to have to go back and name all the files (as I am not even sure which one would be which episode). Any suggestions on doing this?

      • videoscripts says:

        There is no real way of sorting that as yet. Problem is that you are moving from physical discs to files and file programs have no concept of physical disc naming at all.

        I am currently working on something that will go someway to helping this sort of situation , but it will be a couple of weeks.

        You can manually rename the files AFTER you convert them (they will be called by disc folder name _1 _2 etc., then run my metadata tools to apply metadata. Most episodes are in order on the disc, though not all.

  25. Mathew says:

    The DVD rip is great but I’ve run into two problems.

    The sound on the final mkv is very low.
    There are subtitiles running throughout the film although I don’t think I’ve set this as a setting in handbrake.

    Any ideas?

  26. prabhi says:


  27. Steve G says:

    Thanks for writing this app, it’s currently halfway through my ripped DVD collection 🙂

  28. Enrico says:

    Hi there,

    I’m a relatively new linux user and have been using Handbrake for a while, but only via the GUI. What I’d like to do is to place a DVD into the drive, run a script that will rip it to a folder with some presets (example below), then eject the disk and shut down or hibernate the machine. Even nicer would be a way for the script to ask you which preset file you want to use … am I making sense? Is this feasible? Thanks for your time.

  29. Enrico says:

    Hi there,

    I’m a relatively new linux user and have been using Handbrake for a while, but only via the GUI. What I’d like to do is to place a DVD into the drive, run a script that will rip it to a folder with some presets (example below), then eject the disk and shut down or hibernate the machine. Even nicer would be a way for the script to ask you which preset file you want to use … am I making sense? Is this feasible? Thanks for your time.

    Preset example: -e x264 -S –1000 -2 -T -r –vfr -a 1,1 -E faac,copy:ac3 -B 160,160 -6 dpl2,auto -R Auto,Auto -D 2.0,2.0 -f mp4 –decomb –loose-anamorphic -x b-adapt=2 rc-lookahead=50 ref=5 bframes=5 partitions=all trellis=2 -m b-pyramid=strict me=umh

  30. […] itself can’t batch-process, but if you’re already familiar with Handbrake, why not use Handbrake Batch Encoder for Windows? It’s really not worth switching to another application if you’ve already […]

  31. de3ik says:

    Hi. I downloaded the Handbrake batch encoder because I want to do batch conversions of my video files. I am not technically and really don’t understand scripts, but I was wondering if it was possible for you to give me a script that would allow the batch encoder to compress the videos to a smaller size like Handbrake does regularly.

    For example when using Handbrake I change the constant quality on the video tab to 25 (30 for larger videos) and have the frame rate as a constant frame rate at 29.97. Could you please give me a script for when the constant quality is 25 and a script for when it is 30 with both at a constant frame rate of 29.97? I would really appreciate this because I’m not sure of how to come up with scripts like this myself.

    Thanks and please reply. 🙂

    • videoscripts says:

      No, I cant do that as there are too many variables that you may need set up.

      the easier way – pick a file in handbrake itself, make sure the query editor is turned on. Now customise your settings for the way you want to encode. Copy the entire query line from the query editor tab. now open batch encoder. paste this query into the text area under presets. Delete the -i and -o bits and any file paths. His save as custom query.

      And there you have your own specific settings that can be used by batchencoder.

  32. de3ik says:

    Thank you for your fast response. I made a query with the constant quality at 25 and the framerate at 29.97 constant. It looked like this:

    -i “E:\DVD RECORDING 3 VIDEO FILES\New Folder\DVD Video Recording Title 3.avi” -t 1 -c 1 -o “C:\Users\Mommykins\Videos\Dvd Video Recording Title 3-1.mp4” -f mp4 –strict-anamorphic -e x264 -q 25 -r 29.97 –cfr -a 1 -E faac -B 160 -6 dpl2 -R Auto -D 0 –gain=0 –audio-copy-mask none –audio-fallback ffac3 -x ref=1:weightp=1:subq=2:rc-lookahead=10:trellis=0:8x8dct=0 –verbose=1

    I tried to edit it exactly as you suggested in the batch encoder, but for some reason when I tried to encode it took only a second and there were no files encoded at all.

    I apologize, but I think maybe I am misunderstanding. Could you edit my above query and post it to show me exaclty how it looks so I will know what I did wrong? You are the expert here and I believe your suggestion will work, but my edit must have caused a problem that is distorting the encoding.



    • videoscripts says:

      Try this:

      -t 1 -c 1 -f mp4 –strict-anamorphic -e x264 -q 25 -r 29.97 –cfr -a 1 -E faac -B 160 -6 dpl2 -R Auto -D 0 –gain=0 –audio-copy-mask none –audio-fallback ffac3 -x ref=1:weightp=1:subq=2:rc-lookahead=10:trellis=0:8x8dct=0 –verbose=1

      • de3ik says:

        Thanks for your script edit vs, but when I tried it the same thing happened. The encoding took a second with no files encoded. What do you think is wrong? And can it be fixed somehow? I mean is there something else I could try? I really want to use the program for the batch converting, but I wanted it to specifically do the batch converting with compression. Is there a workaround method you recommend I use with the batch encoder to get this to work for my needs?

      • videoscripts says:

        can you process the same file in handbrake?

  33. de3ik says:

    Yes actually I can process the same file in handbrake using the method I mentioned. Can you recommend a way to do batch files in handbrake directly? Because with every file I tried it worked in handbrake. And actually I could convert in the batch encoder, but just not with the query handbrake created based on that compression method. Your recommendations to this problem are much welcomed and appreciated. 🙂

  34. de3ik says:

    VS I’ve waited a week and you haven’t replied. Please tell me if you know a way to do the batch files in handbrake directly since the query isn’t working. Is this possible? Please do reply, because I would like to do some batch encoding.

    Thanks 🙂

  35. […] supports source files : avi, mkv, m2ts,mpg. flv, mov, ts and also supports rips in VIDEO_TS folders. Media Converter is a free universal Video and Audio Youtube converter with many more different […]

  36. […] supports source files : avi, mkv, m2ts,mpg. flv, mov, ts and also supports rips in VIDEO_TS folders. Media Converter is a free universal Video and Audio Youtube converter with many more different […]

  37. Mike says:

    how do I make a config file that will convert all .m4v and .avi in a folder and convert to .mp4, delete source and tag?

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